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The nature of nuclear forces

After the discovery of the proton-neutron composition of nuclei,
the problem of nuclear forces nature became especially urgent.

Nowadays, nuclear forces are explained by the action of a special
strong interaction that occurs when nuclear nucleons
exchange special particles - gluons.

This book proves that the attraction between protons and neutrons  can
be explained by the well-known quantum mechanical effect, which
was first described about a hundred years ago. This is the attraction between two
protons that occurs when they are exchanged by electron (in this case
- by relativistic electron). This makes it possible, abandoning the gluon model,
to obtain quantitative estimates of the magnitude of the mass defect of both light
and heavy nuclei.


Book: About the nature of nuclear forces

Категория: Articles in English | Добавил: bv-vasiliev (05.04.2024)
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