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Astrophysics and measurement data

"A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?"

It is obvious  that the primary goal of modern astrophysics is to create a star theory that explains the dependencies of parameters of  stars and of the Sun, which are measured by astronomers.
To date, these dependencies are already accumulated about a dozen. The temperature-radius-mass-luminosity relation for close binary stars, the spectra of seismic oscillations of the Sun, distribution of stars on their masses, magnetic fields of stars (and etc.)  have been detected. All these relationships are defined by phenomena occurring inside stars. Therefore, a theory of the internal structure of stars should be based on these quantitative data as on boundary conditions.

Nevertheless the modern astrophysics  prefers a more speculative approach.
It elaborates qualitative theories of stars that are not pursued to such quantitative estimates, which could be compared with the data of astronomers.
Due to the fact that the existing model of physics of stars are not based on measurements and are descriptive in nature,   would be  appropriate to emphasize a speculativeness at their presentation.

Of course, the astrophysical community knows about the existence of dependencies of stellar parameters which was measured by astronomers. However, in modern astrophysics it is accepted to think, that if an explanation of a dependency is not found, that it can be referred to the category of empirical one and it need no an explanation.

The reason that prevents to explain these relationships is due to the wrong choice of the basic postulates of modern astrophysics. Despite of the fact that all modern astrophysics believe that the stars consist from a plasma, it historically turned out that the theory of stellar interiors does not take into account the electric polarization of the plasma, which must occur within stars under the influence of their gravitational field. Modern astrophysics believes that the gravity-induced electric polarization (GIEP) of stellar plasma is small and it should not be taken into account in the calculations, as this polarization was not taken into account in the calculations at an early stage of development of astrophysics, when about a plasma structure of stars was not known. However, plasma is an electrically polarized substance, and an exclusion of the GIEP effect from the calculation is unwarranted. Moreover without of the taking into account of the GIEP-effect, the equilibrium stellar matter can not be correctly founded and a theory would not be able to explain the astronomical measurements. Accounting GIEP gives the theoretical explanation for the all observed dependence.

So the figures show the comparison of the measured dependencies of the stellar radius and the surface temperature from the mass of stars (expressed in solar units) with the results of model calculations, which takes into account the effect GIEP.

The comparison of astronomical measurements and the results of calculations carried out with the GIEP accounting. The dependence of star radius from its mass (in solar units).
The comparison of astronomical measurements and the results of calculations carried out with the GIEP accounting. The dependence of star surface temperature from its mass (in solar units).

The calculations with accounting of the GIEP-effect are able to explain the observed spectrum of seismic solar oscillations and measurements of the magnetic moments of all objects in the solar system, as well as a number of stars.

The comparison of results of calculations carried out with the GIEP accouting with astronomical measurements. a) The measured spectrum of the seismic oscillations of the solar surface. b) The calculated vibrational spectrum of the stellar core, formed by the GIEP effect.


Observed values ​​of the magnetic moments of celestial bodies according to their angular momenta. Straight line is the effect predicted by theory of GIEP.

In general, the accounting of GIEP effects gives the explanation to all the data of astronomical measurements by building the star theory, in which the radius, mass, and temperature are expressed by the corresponding ratios of the fundamental constants, and individuality of stars are determined by two parameters - by the charge and mass numbers of nuclei, from which a stellar plasma is composed.

The important feature of this stellar theory, which is built with the GIEP acconting, is the lack of a collapse in the final stage of the star development, as well as "black holes" that could be results from a such collapse.

Magnetic Field of Earth 2015

BOOK"Astrophysics and Measurement Data,2022

Категория: Articles in English | Добавил: kotovskij (27.06.2013)
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